Monday, March 31, 2008

Yard of the Month - Spring 2008

January: N20
Tom and Melissa Gray
2011 NW 46th St

February: NE 16
Bob and Kathey Muni, Fran Cook
4411 NW 19th Ave

March: NW18
Dr. Indra K. and Dr. Vimla Vasil
4901 NW 19th Pl

Diann Dimitri, Coordinator

Cofrin Park

Please Note:
Regretfully there is no legal entrance to Cofrin Park from Suburban Heights. Please respect private property in this matter.

For Cofrin Park hours, parking, and more information, please visit the Cofrin Park web site. For access, see map to Cofrin public entrance.

From the President - Spring 2008 Newsletter

Dear Neighbor:

Some great things are happening in Suburban Heights. As you know and as I’ve mentioned in the past, several houses are doing major upgrades. In fact, one is almost doubling its size. Like you, I’ve also noticed persistent new roofs being installed on our neighbors’ homes as well as the installation of new double insulated windows. These upgrades serve notice to all of us that our neighborhood is alive and under constant improvement.

We also now have a web site ( and it’s free! The site is in its infancy but we think we will find it very useful for improving communication between other agencies (GPD, etc.) and our neighborhood as well as communication among neighbors. We have also begun a “Neighbors in Business” section which offers free listings and contact information for all our “neighbors in business.” If you own your own business, please let me know ( and I’ll see to it that you are listed. Please provide contact information which should include web site (if you have one) and phone number.

Additionally, we are contemplating utilizing PayPal to allow you to pay your dues or any other contributions you wish to make to your Association. Cost are minimal (1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30 USD) thus for a $10.00 association fee we would add less than $1.00. While I am not positive about that (I did copy the fee schedule from PayPal), I’m certain the additional charge would be minimal. For instance, your total dues payment might be $11.00 instead of $10.00. It surely would make things much more efficient. I use PayPal all the time. If this is something you think we should look into, let your rep or me know.

The Web site will also allow us to publish our newsletter online with color pictures! Moreover, you may opt out of a hardcopy version of the newsletter and save your Association printing costs. I, for one, will opt out of a hardcopy version.

Finally, we will also offer, online, a list of baby sitters as well as a list of handypersons in our neighborhood who wish to be listed. If you have additional ideas on utilizing the site, let me know.

Don’t forget the picnic! Sunday, April 27th.

Your servant,

Tony Domenech

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Board Members 2007-2008


Tony Domenech President
Michele Borst Vice President
Esther Nordlie Recording Secretary
Joanne Bullard Newsletter Secretary
Ed Wolcott Treasurer
Margaret Wagener Past-President

Area Representatives

Nancy Pollard North
Taylor Brown Northeast
Diann Dimitri Northwest
Susan Lash Central East
Kim Moffitt Central North
Jeffery Klettner Central West
Paul Schoaff Central South
Amy Buese Southeast
Jennine Brandt Southwest
Dwight Crooks South Southwest
Phillip Williams South Southeast

New Neighborhood Web Site Created

As of this morning Suburban Heights Association is on the web! More information and links coming soon.